AmRest Sustainability Review 2022

Review 2022


At AmRest, we pride ourselves on the quality and safety of the food we serve. Every day, in each of our restaurants, we work hard to make sure that the meals our customers order are always fresh and prepared to the highest standards. That means we place the highest priority on food safety, complying with relevant local and international legislation.

responsible consumption and production partnerships for the goals


Our suppliers must meet our strict product quality criteria and requirements for sustainable production standards, animal husbandry, and crop cultivation. They must also uphold employment standards, respect human rights and health and safety in the workplace.

  • We use cage-free eggs in all our brands operating in EU markets.
  • We source 100% RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) certified palm oil globally.
  • We developed the AmRest Group Supply Code of Practices, which sets forth standards related to ethics, environment, and social responsibilities, that all our suppliers must achieve.

Greater menu choice and nutrition value

In line with the Nutrition Group Policy, each of our brands ensures that their menu offers a range of food and beverages, including, but not limited to:

  • Lower calorie products and adequate portion sizes.
  • Increased accessibility and promotion of seasonal fruit and vegetables.
  • A range of non-meat offering.
  • Low/no sugar beverages.

Food safety

A robust food safety culture is core to our success. Through programs and training, we develop our employees' skillset, increase awareness, and manage risk. We work constantly to establish a food safety mindset and to ensure the right behaviors across the organization.

Over 7 903 food safety audits were conducted in restaurants and among our suppliers during 2022.


Our success is built on our people and the communities they serve, every day. In towns and cities, across diverse countries, we share values that create a safe and friendly workplace and nurture ambition that anyone can succeed and make an impact. That impact is not only personal growth; it means making a difference to those most in need in the communities where we work.

gender equality decent work and economic growth partnerships for the goals

A safe and fair

At AmRest we are all driven by a set of shared values which are our compass in everything we do.

We are committed to constantly raising awareness and educating employees in terms of occupational health and safety as well as promoting practices helping to create a stable working environment.

We have put in place clear practices so that we live by consistent work ethics. This includes a company-wide Code of Ethics and Business Conduct and global​ whistleblowing program “Speak Openly”.

for everyone

Across all markets where we operate we employ people of different nationalities, religions, and cultures.

At the end of 2022 we employed 50,933 people globally:

  • 57% women, 43% men
  • +1,000 employees with disabilities
  • +1,900 employees over 50 years old​

our communities

Our restaurants are cornerstones of their communities, where people meet and celebrate.

We create the time and opportunity for our employees to make a difference to those who need our help.

  • Foodsharing Day: Over 3 500 meals delivered to 126 locations in 6 countries as part of a global social engagement initiative.
  • SIEMACHA Spot Wrocław: Strategic partnership with SIEMACHA Association, aimed at supporting the kids’ development.

In 2022 we supported the local communities with financial donations, which exceeded 240,000 EUR


We are seeking to build a sustainable future for our company, our employees and the communities where we operate. That demands that we look at every aspect of our business to minimize our impact. To combat climate change, we monitor our carbon footprint and implement multiple initiatives to reduce waste.

responsible consumption and production climate action partnerships for the goals

Eliminating food waste

We strive to reduce waste in every aspect of our operations, through the supply chain, production and at the restaurant. We operate several programs to share quality surplus food to institutions and charities and are actively inviting our guests to participate.

Harvest is a scheme for donating surplus food from restaurants to institutions and organizations that support those in need.

  • +1,000 tons of food donated since 2016, which is equivalent of over 3,000,000 meals.

Too Good To Go is a mobile app scheme aimed at reducing food waste in a restaurants sector, offering unsold products at a reduced price.

  • In 2022 food products saved under the program helped to reduce carbon footprint by 791 tons CO2.

Climate change

Climate change is an important element of the AmRest Sustainability Strategy. In 2022 AmRest calculated its Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions. The Group has been continuously reducing greenhouse gas emissions, especially through optimizing energy use or reducing electricity consumption levels.

Carbon footprint [tCO2eq]

  • Scope 1
  • Scope 2

Towards a circular economy

All our brands in European markets and in China are using packaging made of sustainable materials such as paper straws and wooden cutlery.

Paper bags

Paper containers/wraps

Paper straws

Paper cups

Recycable plastic containers/wraps

Recycable plastic cups

Wooden cutlery


We are committed to the highest standards of business conduct and corporate governance. Responsibility for each sustainability strategy pillar belongs to the respective members of the AmRest Management Team. The Sustainability, Health and Safety Committee on a Board level oversees the progress of the sustainability strategy.

  • 3 out of 7 Members of AmRest Board of Directors are women (as of May 2023).
  • Majority of Board of Directors Members are Independent Directors.
partnerships for the goals